Esciting things are happening at Ascension
God has been making disciples through Ascension since 1955. Our congregation has long been a staple of outreach and ministry in Deer Park. Now is the time to chart the course for the next 20 years. Through the Connect Mission Appeal, we will both respond to our current needs, and look to propel us into the future.
Ascension is currently in a season of dynamic growth. Our Preschool is registered at complete capacity. Our Sunday School classes are full of young children. Our Misa en Español worships three times the amount as it did just three years ago. We’ve seen an amazing growth in our diversity and common mission. The outlook for our future is virtually limitless. We are embodying the passage from Nehemiah, “So they said ‘Let us rise up and build.’ Then they set their hands to do this good work.”
Watch the Connect video and read through the brochure below and explore our past, present, and future. There is also a devotional recounting the many ways our church family finds connection through this place. Think of the impact God can have as we read daily the stories from our church family and focus on a common scripture passage. Connect Mission Appeal kicked off at our worship services Saturday and Sunday, October 10 and 11 and will conclude with Commitment Saturday and Sunday, November 14 and 15.
Connect is more than a Mission Appeal. It’s an opportunity for our church to grow in faith and stewardship. Our call to action is to prayerfully consider the gift each one of us will give over and above our current giving to bring this project alive to the glory of God. Through the gifts and talents that God has so generously bestowed upon us, we will answer God’s call to go into the world and make disciples for Christ.