Reconciling in Christ
Since 1983, the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program has been a public way for faith communities to see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Lutheran church. The RIC Program is made up of congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, outdoor ministries, and other Lutheran organizations.*
In 2019, Ascension’s Congregational Council voted to begin the Reconciling in Christ process to develop a welcome statement and educate the congregation on why this is an important commitment for the Church today. If you remember, several of our members brought their personal stories to the congregation through Temple Talks that were quite inspiring! Unfortunately, COVID postponed the process of this committee but in September of 2024 Ascension’s Congregational Council voted to begin the process again.
A welcome statement is one of the four public commitments a congregation needs to make to receive the designation “Reconciling in Christ.” To lead this effort, a Core Team has been appointed to begin this work. A table will be set up in the narthex with resources and information We will also keep you abreast of our progress through our weekly emails, and through additional Temple Talks
Core Team Members
Synodical Deacon Vicki Elfers (Chairperson)
Pastor Justin Lathrop
Pastor Patty Avila
Pastor Dennis O’Rourke
Elizabeth O’Rourke
Tom Tresselt
Carol Tresselt
Russ Bliss
Pattie Komornik
Alice Wright
Jeff Marrero
What are the four commitments of RIC?
Four public commitments:*
1. Clearly state a welcome to all people with a statement that meets certain criteria.
2. Be open to calling an LGBTQIA+ and Black, Brown, Indigenous, Person of Color pastor or deacon.
3. Allow the congregation’s worship space to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings.
4. Make a meaningful contribution annually to support the national RIC program.
Guess what? Ascension already meets some of these commitments! Ascension’s pastors have officiated same gender weddings and have baptized children where both parents are of the same gender. While the congregation is inclusive, the public proclamation gained by becoming Reconciling in Christ ensures that people outside of the congregation are aware of this fact.
*the commitments and RIC history are from the Reconciling Works website.
Read more here!
What does “reconciling” mean?
Reconcile: to restore friendly relations between.
For too long, the Church has not been a place of welcome for all people. Oftentimes, the Church has (at best) tolerated the presence of those deemed “different,” while not necessarily affirming their identities as God given and, at worst, outright condemned those of different sexualities or gender identities. To be reconciled means to have done the work of unlearning theology handed down that harms others, and to learn how the holy scripture testifies to a God who loves and creates all people in splendid diversity.