“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.” – Colossians 3:16
Gathering together to worship and praise God is a central part of our life as a community of faith here at Ascension. Our services are planned by the Pastor and Director of Music Ministries, along with the Worship and Music Committee. Many members are involved in the planning, preparation and leadership of our services each week. This includes Church staff, altar guild, assisting ministers, lay readers, communion assistants, ushers and musicians.
Our services are supported by a strong music ministry that has both an adult traditional choir and adult praise choir. For our children and youth we have a children’s choir and youth praise choir. For members of all ages we have 2 bell choirs, a string ensemble, a brass ensemble, and a praise band. In addition, we offer a Sunday School music program as well as a 4-5 year old Sunday morning Sing-Along program once a month. In total, this amounts to well over 120 members who dedicate their time and talent to make beautiful music. Our 9:00 Sunday morning traditional service is led by traditional organ and piano music with the support of our traditional choirs and instrumental ensembles. Our 10:30 praise service is led by our praise choirs and band along with our other instrumental ensembles.
David Johnson, Director of Music Ministries – dave.ascension@gmail.com– 631-258-5928
Tom Tresselt, Chair of Worship and Music Committee – ttresselt@gmail.com –
Want to join our music ministry at Ascension? Fill out the following form and return it to the church office: